Some of the things I've achieved...
Through the adoption of Kingston's new residential zones, protected the 1 & 2 storey character of our quiet residential streets​
As a direct result of Save The Edgy's fight to protect the Mentone Hotel site from an inappropriate 4-storey development, as well as my work on Council, successfully defended Kingston’s long-standing coastal design and development overlay
Strongly advocated for new affordable housing, so more of the 94,000 people who work in Kingston can afford to live closer to their employment
Opened the new Mentone Life Saving Club, which is considered to be the best club building anywhere around the bay
Opened the resurfaced athletics track at Dolamore Reserve, which had degraded to the point where lanes were no longer in use due to serious safety concerns
Created the concept for the Kingston Sustainable Business Awards, which has evolved to become Kingston's premier event celebrating the achievements of businesses across Kingston
Opened the new Mentone foreshore playground and commenced consultation on new playgrounds on Patty Street and Balcombe Road